MLOVE 2013 – „off-time“ and mobile ideation

MLOVE castle

End of June 2013 the MLOVE ConFestival took place in Germany again. The mobile event was crowded with inspirational people from all around the globe, scheduled with meaningful keynotes about the digital future, and blessed with beautiful weather.

MLOVE castle

There was a creative spirit in the air throughout the days with enthusiastic brainstorming sessions, think tanks in the Nokia chill-out area or even in the swimming pool, prototyping and developing sessions, a cappella aries & acoustic piano-singing assemblies by musical attendees, and an impressive castle light show as a grand finale.

This year for me MLOVE was very much about the urge to achieve something „good“ with mobile. Rather than only focussing on mCommerce, app rankings, marketing charts, new market players or platform restrictions, it was rather very much about:

  • how mobile influences humanity,
  • what it means for the established mobile education system,
  • how quantified-self and health solutions fit into the picture,
  • what it means for privacy and data protection,
  • how mobile guidance and mobile literacy have become our responsibility,
  • and how mobile can improve people’s everyday life – especially in emerging markets.

Put your mobile devices on a time-out

Über Lilian Güntsche 10 Artikel
Lilian Güntsche, Dipl.-Medien-Oek., ist seit über 10 Jahren im Marketing- und Vertriebsumfeld der Digital- und Medienbranche, Schwerpunkt Mobile, aktiv. Nachdem sie in verschiedenen renommierten ITK- Unternehmen im In- und Ausland ta?tig war, ist sie 2011 mit Gu?ntsche Concepts selbststa?ndig. Hierbei unterstützt sie namenhafte Industriekunden und Digitalagenturen bei ihrer Mobile Strategie sowie im Bereich Kooperationsmarketing & digitales Account/Projekt Management. Lilian ist zudem Autorin, Sängerin und Sprecherin und geschätztes Jurymitglied in verschiedenen Branchengremien.

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  1. Abschalten – wie ging das noch? | THE DIGNIFIED SELF - Achtsamkeit in der digitalen Zeit

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